Are feathers like God’s mercy?

I had a revelation today that feathers are like God’s mercy.

I went for a walk yesterday. During which I was praying and seeking direction from God about my future. I’m not one to diligently search the ground for anything, but I do casually notice what’s on the ground and what’s in front of me. As I was praying, I happened to notice a little feather on the road. It surprised me that it even caught my eye because it was maybe, one inch long. I left it alone, didn’t bother picking it up and kept walking.

I remember someone on social media talking about always being on the lookout for feathers and that it blessed her when she would see one (in reference to Psalm 91:4). This came to mind as I was walking so I made a mental note that I would Google it when I got home.

He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Psalm 91:4

What does seeing feathers mean?

What do feathers symbolize?

What do feathers mean in the Bible?


After reading these snippets, I wanted to go back and find that feather that I had seen. The time in my walk that I was asking God about my future and the things that have been spoken over me was the time that I saw this feather. I took it as a sign that He is reassuring me that I’m on the correct path. Above all else, I want to be close to Him and stay under His wings.


I was beyond blessed today during my walk. Why? Because God showed up again. When I got to the spot where I saw the feather yesterday, I started looking for it because I would pick it up this time. I never did see the one from yesterday, but around the same spot was a bigger feather. So yes, I picked this one up. I had regretted not picking up yesterday’s feather. If nothing else, but to take a picture for remembrance. But guys, I took a couple steps and there was another feather! I picked that one up too. I took a couple more steps and there was another feather! That made three. By this time, I was getting giddy over God’s humor. “Oh wait Nancy, here’s one more.” That’s right, there were a total of four feathers scattered down the road.

Feathers are like God’s mercy

God loves to give to His children if we take the time to look for His goodness and bring Him into our everyday. Yesterday’s feather was gone, but there were more in its place today. What came to mind was the likeness of God’s mercies. They are new EVERY day. I can’t search for yesterday’s feather or live life trying to use past mercies or blessings. God has given new mercies today for what today will hold.

But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3: 21-23

2 Replies to “Are feathers like God’s mercy?”

  1. I appreciate the wisdom that you have shared! I believe you are right where God wants you and can use you best to glorify him!

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